It’s my second time in the land of the rising sun. Now I know my way around, at least a bit, so arriving here felt familiar, especially in the nice district of Yangpu some 15 km outside the city centre, surrounded by waterways and lush green. Well it’s winter time now and lush green changed to brown and yellow since May 2024 – the last time I’ve been here.
I’m staying with my girlfriend Elise, she lives since 5 years, together with her daughter Pia in the 24 million people metropolis, city of the future and tech. Some things are quite impressive to see, the immense speed of development and also tech adoption. No need for carrying around your wallet anymore, everything works with your phone, payment, public transport, taxi, ordering food or groceries, everything is just one click away.
In the first week we took care of our jet lag or maybe you could say, the jet lag took care or us, not quite sure how to put it. Since Pia was spending time with his dad we went out for an awesome veggie dinner and for a little dance in the city.
First on the menu: “The Lakeside Veggie” fine tases to satisfy all senses – Michelin rated, what a treat!
Then we went to a chill-out bar, also nice to go for after hour drinks as they’re open late. The place has no proper chairs, only sitting on carpets on elevated ground, the name: “Tang“, a hidden gem and very nice, although cocktail prices comparable to German bars.
And third we went to a club, it’s called “Heim” and reminded me of a small club in Berlin, even the sound was similar – deep and dark techno. They have a good sound system and some cool light effects, only the crowd was a bit different in behaviour and dance styles. Main difference to Berlin, people using their phones on the dance floor and scrolling social media while dancing. Somehow Chinese seem really obsessed with their phones.

During the following days I organised myself and created a routine, went for walks around the block of our sky scraper compound and settled into the life of a (short term) expat in Shanghai.

Shopping groceries can be done in China multiple ways.
The conventional or by mobile app, as I love to visit supermarkets in different countries I take my time and venture out to try different things and get inspiration.

After a week and jet lag packed away in my bag, it’s time to further explore the city and see what up next for me…stay tuned 🙃🇨🇳